Sunday, 14 February 2016

Some churchgoers 'determined' to give in to lust – Otabil

Mensah Otabil ShinePastor Mensah Otabil
Some people, including churchgoers are determined to lust after the flesh this Valentine’s Day, Pastor Mensa Otabil has said.

Teaching his congregation about being the light of the world, and, thus, walking in the spirit rather than fulfilling the lust of the flesh, the motivational speaker said on Sunday February 14 that: “The flesh is alive” and “there’s temptation all around us: the lust of the flesh. This Valentine’s Day some people will go to the lust of the flesh.

“Some people will actually come to church and worship and go and sin because they have determined they must sin. It’s just a determination. Nothing I say this morning is going to change anything. They’ll receive the light, but they’ll walk in the darkness because ‘today be today’” Dr Otabil said.

“They’ve received the light, but they’ll walk in darkness because at this time, the flesh is leading them. They are waiting for service to close, but the Bible says when you walk in the spirit, you automatically overcome the flesh. You know, the greatest testimony you can give to the world, to let your light shine, is to overcome the temptations that defeat them,” he added.

Valentine’s Day is celebrated as ‘Chocolate Day’ in Ghana every year. The day has also been widely commercialised and sexualised.

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