Catalan independence is back on the agenda, but Barcelona needs La Liga... and vice versa
- 12:57, 22 September 2015
- Opinion
As elections draw closer, football has been dragged into the controversy
David Ramos

But it was more the pointed political gains to be made that were in the mind of Miguel Cardenal, the president of the Spanish Sports Council, when he took aim at Barcelona.
"Clubs' finances are decided by their TV revenues," he said, in discussing how Barcelona might fare in a Catalunyan league should they gain independence from Spain.

Damning them with faint praise.
That the Spanish sports minister is even discussing the possibility of Barcelona playing in a separate league should ring some alarm bells. Most football fans will hope it is simple posturing, and there is certainly a lot of verbal chest-thrusting and feather preening going on.

Where did all this start though? Well, the proper answer is around 1469 when Catalunya first passed into control of Castile with the marriage of Ferdinand and Isabella. This meant that the Catalans were ruled from Madrid and their powers were gradually eroded until the Catalan state was officially abolished in 1714.

In an unofficial referendum last year, over 80% of voters polled in favour of independence. With an official one impossible while the Madrid government doesn’t agree, the fear is that major Catalan victories in Sunday’s elections would see the drawing up of a Catalan constitution and the region simply opting to secede and try to break away from Spain.

“They would not be allowed to play in La Liga because the law would not allow it.
Alex Caparros

Tebas, for his part, affirmed his belief that “Catalunya will never separate from Spain,” but is keen to ensure that the Barcelona clubs know they wouldn’t be welcomed back into La Liga.
Rex Features

“We’re not entering the campaign,” said Barca president Josep Maria Bartomeu. “We’re staying out of it and have amply demonstrated as much.
“I won’t comment [on staying in La Liga]. Away from the campaign we all have our opinions but there are parties striving to get votes right now and Barca will stay neutral, as ever, on this score.”
“Neutral, as ever” does seem a bit disingenuous.

For them to claim that they are neutral in all of this is a bit rich, given their use of the Senyera flag as an away shirt in recent years among other obvious leans towards the cause.
Indeed, Cardenal claims Barcelona have been used as a political pawn by some.
"I have been saying for a while that the powers in Catalonia are using sport as a tool, and I am sure they have tried to capture Barca in this sense."
As insults go there are worse ones, but occasionally it’s the home truths that are the most painful.
The fact is that Barcelona needs La Liga and La Liga needs Barcelona.
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