I Was Not My Wife’s True Love
The year is 1986. After being happily married for 11 years, my wife suddenly and without warning told me she was divorcing me to go back to a man she had dated before we met. There were no obvious problems in our relationship. No arguments. Nothing was going on to indicate any trouble brewing. Even after she told me this, she never said there was anything wrong with us. She just said that she had come to realize she loved this other guy in a way she didn’t love me and that’s all it was about. Two days after she told me this, she moved into an apartment. The guy left his wife of 25 years that same day and moved in with her. They got married within the year and she remained with him until she passed on a few years ago.
Hearing this coming from completely out of the blue crushed me. It was like I was run over by a steam roller. I have never before nor ever sense felt pain like that. I had imagined we would spend the rest of our life together. I didn’t want anyone else. I loved this woman with all my heart. There is no way to describe the hurt and pain I felt. It was like every cell in my body was being torn apart and run through a food processor.
Unconditional Love Isn’t About What the Other Person Does
Yet, within hours of hearing this something else from deep within me spoke loud and clear. This was my true inner voice of wisdom. I still loved this woman as much as I had before she broke the news. I still wanted her to be happy. I still cared about her. If she would be more happy with someone else rather than me, that was her choice. I realized at that moment that if you truly love someone, you want them to be happy, you want the best for them even if that means not being with you.
A Love Song About a True Love Story
A couple months after she left, I did a very strange thing which was the next step in helping me move forward with my life. Once again, my inner voice of wisdom came through loud and clear. Suddenly, I started thinking about this guy she went back to and how he must be feeling. I literally began to look at this through his eyes instead of mine. That inspired me to write the lyrics to a love song written from his point of view. Maybe someday a songwriter will happen along that could put some music to this and turn it into an actual song.Ticking
Lyrics by Don Shapiro
Courtesy of Rykristo Music Publishing
You told me we were through
It was what we had to do
We made our beds before we met
When our love’s fate was set
Our homes blazing oh so bright
With anger and more in plain sight
So we sought solace as one
Embraced away hurt on the run
It wasn’t right
Oh, no
It wasn’t right
To fly away in the night
To believe we could unite
So you hid our love
Deep inside of you
Tucked away from view
Just ticking
Ticking for too many years
Ticking through a thousand tears
(Verse 2)
You locked your love far away
Deep in memory so they say
We became friends for many years
Saying hi without any tears
The years have taken flight
Family chains wrapped so tight
As our seedlings grew up, oh wow
You’ve come back for my love now
(chorus repeats)
(bridge to finale)
You couldn’t keep your love locked away
Just ticking til judgment day
So you threw away that old bed
And came back to me like they said
How was I able to still consider her happiness as being of paramount
importance after what she had done? How could I go through the most
devastating pain and hurt imaginable without having any ill feelings
toward her? How could I possibly write a song lyric that was a love song
written from the other guy’s point of view? There is one and only one
answer to these questions. I loved this woman unconditionally regardless
of what she did. I am living proof that it is possible for a human
being to love unconditionally.
It’s one thing to wax philosophically about what we believe is and is not possible concerning the human condition until we are thrown into the fire and discover how we respond in the moment. I wasn’t thinking about the meaning of love or the concept of unconditional love before this happened. Nothing like this had ever happened to me before so I was not prepared for it. Maybe we never are. If you had asked me a year earlier what I would do under such a circumstance, I’m sure my answer would have been different than what I actually did. How I responded to this situation came from deep within my heart and it was as real as it gets. My reaction surprised me and inspired me.
What Unconditional Love Really Means

The state of true love occurs when the love that is inside of us aligns at a deep energy and frequency level with the love that is inside of someone else. This connection isn’t about desire, attraction, enjoyment, similar interest, common values or emotions. It is something that simply happens outside of human control. Once that internal love alignment occurs, it will last forever. It can never be broken. Our spirit is forever connected to the other person’s spirit regardless of what happens with us on a human level.
True Unconditional Love Is Not a Choice
I honestly don’t know why some people have the capacity to love unconditionally and others do not. It is still a mystery to me why I was able to act and feel this way through such a nightmare. I have my doubts how many could go through this experience and discover their capacity for unconditional love. From my experience, this was not a choice. It simply reflected the state of love that existed inside of me and my natural and normal response due to that state of love.
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